• PGL Training is committed to providing a quality service for all our customers. We will improve our service by listening and responding to feedback from our learners, employers and stakeholders, and in particular by responding positively to complaints, ensuring any actions required are in put place. 

    Therefore we aim to ensure that:

    • making a complaint is as easy as possible;
    • we deal with it promptly and politely;
    • we respond in the right way - giving an explanation or information on any action taken;
    • we learn from complaints and use them to improve our service;
    • we review our complaints policy and procedures annually.

    We recognise that many concerns will be raised informally and dealt with quickly. Our aims are to:

    • resolve informal concerns quickly;
    • where required, enable mediation between the complainant and the individual to whom the complaint has been referred.

    An informal approach is appropriate when it can be achieved. But if concerns cannot be satisfactorily resolved informally, the formal complaints procedure should be followed. This is detailed below.

    Formal Complaints Procedure

    The formal complaints procedure is intended to ensure that all complaints are handled fairly, consistently and wherever possible resolved to the complainant's satisfaction.

    A complainant’s responsibility is to:

    • where appropriate raise any informal concerns promptly direct with the member of staff involved in the training or with the Operations Director for any other issue;

    If the informal approach is not appropriate or does not give the desired results the complainant will be advised to:

    • put their complaint in writing to PGL explaining the issue as clearly and as fully as possible;
    • allow PGL Training a reasonable time to deal with the matter, as per the Complaint Resolution Statement (Appendix 1 to this Policy);

    PGL Training’s responsibility is to:

    • acknowledge the formal complaint in writing;
    • respond within the period of time stated on the Complaint Resolution Statement;
    • deal sensitively with the complaint;
    • take the appropriate action.

    Once the complaint has been made in writing it will be referred to PGL Training’s Operations Director who will take the matter forward.


    All complaints will be recorded on a log and the Operations Director will report monthly to the Senior Management Meeting giving details of complaints received and actions taken to rectify them.

    Appendix 1


    General Statement

    It is the policy of PGL Training to put its customer complaint and resolution procedure into practice by:

    • Providing all customers with a copy of the company complaint resolution statement;
    • Recording all complaints in writing and keeping a log to review common themes;
    • Making an initial response to all complaints promptly and within a maximum of 3 days;
    • Recording responses to all complaints in writing with details of the action taken to resolve issues raised;
    • Endeavouring to carry out and complete all works to resolve complaints within a maximum of 10 days.

    The Operations Director is responsible for dealing with all formal complaints. In the first instance please telephone 01392 437373 or email anita.butt@pgltraining.com to register your concern. This will then be dealt with as per our Complaints Policy and Procedure and the statement above.